My Motivation Workouts

25 Minute AMRAP with Certified Personal Trainer Aaron Smyth (Instagram: @thebodysmyth)
Dumbbell Exercises
Devil's Press x 5
Dumbbell Thruster x 10
Dumbbell Bent Over Row x 15
Dumbbell Lunges x 20
Body weight alternatives:
Burpees x 5
Push Up x 10
Air Squats x 15
Butterfly Sit Up x 20
Watch the full video here.

20 Minute Resistance Band Routine with Nathalie Lennon (Instagram: @nathalielennon_ )
A workout with @nathalielennon_ that you can do anywhere, anytime using the Hit Fitness Resistance Bands! Bodyweight alternatives are also provided.
6 exercises to be completed for 3 rounds of 40 seconds on / 20 seconds off.

20 Minute Partner EMOM with Aaron Smyth (@thebodysmyth) and Vivienne Hobson (@viviennehobson)
Zero equipment needed!
5 Rounds of every minute on the minute:
1. 5 Squats + 5 Jump Squats
2. 5 Push Ups + 5 Close Push Ups
3. 20 Jump Lunges (10 each leg)
4. 10 Burpees

15 Minute Beginner’s Home Workout with RTE’s Ray Lally (@thehappyfitnessguy)
Great for everyone from 7-70 years of age and all you need is a chair!
15 Minutes Total:5 Exercises - 5 Reps - 5 Rounds
1. Stand Up & High Knee x 5
2. Tricep Dips x 5
3. Mountain Climber x 10 (5 each leg)
4. Seated Burpee x 5
Watch the full video here

30 Minute Full Body Dumbbell Workout with Anna Geary (@annagcork)
5 complex movements / 12-15 reps of each exercise / No break between each exercise / 4 rounds total / 2 minute rest between each round.
30 Minutes Total:
1. Box Squat, Bicep Curl & Shoulder Press
2. Get Up & Overhead Tricep Extension
3. Push Ups & Renegade Rows
4. Chest Press & Dead Bugs
5. Mountain Climbers & RDL's (Romanian Deadlifts)
Watch the full video here

30 Minute Pilates Class with qualified Pilates Instructor Greg O'Shea (@gregoshea)
Find some space for yourself. Millions of people know about the power of yoga and pilates. Mindfulness can bring focus during stressful times.
This class is suitable for all, whether you're a novice or a pro, and focuses on building mobility, flexibility and strength.
Watch the full video here

20 Minute Resistance Band Glute Workout with Vivienne Hobson (@viviennehobson)
This 20 minute circuit workout is focused on working your lower body muscle groups, specifically those glutes! All you need is a resistance band.
Exercise 1 - Banded Hip Thrust x 15-20 reps
Exercise 2 - Banded Hip Abduction x 15-20 reps
Exercise 3 - Jump Squat w/Tap x 15-20 reps
Exercise 4 - Squat w/Kickback x 20 (10 each leg)
Exercise 5 - Standing Side Kick x 12-15 reps (each leg)
Exercise 6 - Squat Hold 30-60 seconds
Watch the full video here

30 Minute Full Body Barbell Workout with Nikki Evans (@nikkilevans)
Irish Women’s Hockey International Nikki Evans takes us through a 30 minute full body burner which can be completed using either a barbell or set of dumbbells.
3 Rounds of:
Exercise 1 - Lunges x 6 reps each leg
Exercise 2 - Shoulder Press x 6 reps
Exercise 3 - Back Squat x 8 reps
Exercise 4 - Bent Over Rows x 8 reps
Exercise 5 - RDLs x 8 reps
Exercise 6 - Bicep Curls x 8 reps
1 minute rest between rounds.